Medical Spa Tampa, Florida
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Zi MedSpa

Permanent Eyeliner, Eyebrow, & Lip Color

Take a step toward effortless beauty at Zi Medspa

The right makeup can enhance your best features and help you feel confident throughout the day. But applying and removing makeup can be time-consuming. Makeup can also be smudged and smeared and may need to be reapplied. But with the permanent makeup services at Zi MedSpa, you wake up with perfect brows, eyeliner, and lips every day!

How does permanent makeup work?

There are several steps involved in the process:

  1. Consultation: One of our trained and experienced aestheticians will discuss your desired look and choose the right color and shape for your permanent makeup. The aesthetician will also evaluate your skin type and any medical conditions you have to ensure that you are a good candidate for the procedure.
  2. Numbing: Once you have chosen your desired look, a topical numbing cream will be applied to the area to minimize any discomfort during the procedure. Then there is a waiting period while the cream takes effect, usually 20-30 minutes.
  3. Application: Your aesthetician will use a sterile needle to deposit pigment into the skin to create the permanent makeup effect. The needle is attached to a handheld device that allows for precise application.
  4. Aftercare: After the procedure, your aesthetician will provide you with instructions on how to care for your new permanent makeup. This may include keeping the area clean, avoiding direct sunlight, and avoiding any abrasive or exfoliating products.

Permanent makeup FAQ

Is the makeup really permanent?

The pigment does fade over time, due to exposure to sunlight, swimming or excessive sweating, and certain medications. Typically, touch-ups are needed every few years to maintain the desired color and shape.

Is permanent makeup safe?

Yes, permanent makeup is safe when performed by a qualified professional. All of our aestheticians are fully trained and licensed and will talk to you about what to expect during and after the procedure.

Does getting permanent makeup hurt?

You may experience some discomfort during the procedure, but a topical anesthetic will be applied to numb the area and ensure a comfortable experience.

How long does it take to get permanent makeup?

This will depend on the area that is being treated, as well as other factors, but typically the procedure lasts between one and three hours.

How long does it take to heal from permanent makeup?

The treated area may be red and swollen for a few days following the procedure but should heal completely within a week. Your aesthetician will give you aftercare instructions.

Are there any risks when getting permanent makeup?

Risks are minimal, though there is a small chance of infection and allergic reaction. Your aesthetician will go over all of the risks with you before the procedure.

The benefits of permanent makeup

Why should you consider permanent makeup at our medical spa? Here are some of the benefits:

  • Timesaving: One of the most significant benefits of permanent makeup is that it saves time in your daily routine, which can be especially helpful if you have a busy lifestyle.
  • Long-lasting: The pigments used in permanent makeup will fade gradually over time, but can last for several years before requiring a touch-up.
  • Enhance natural features: Permanent makeup can enhance your natural features – for example, making your eyes appear larger or giving your lips a fuller look.
  • No smudging: Permanent makeup does not smudge or smear. That can be especially helpful for those who have allergies to traditional makeup or have difficulty applying makeup evenly.
  • Boost confidence: When you have permanent makeup, you will always have makeup that helps you look your best, which can be a significant confidence booster.

Schedule your eyebrow tinting session today

Say goodbye to smudging, smearing, and time-consuming daily routines! Contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve effortless beauty with permanent eyeliner, eyebrows, and lips. Our licensed and trained professionals are ready to meet with you to discuss getting the results you want to look your best.

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