Medical Spa Tampa, Florida
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Zi MedSpa

CBD Facial

Rejuvenate your skin at Zi Medspa

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound found in hemp plants. The CBD facial at Zi MedSpa harnesses the power of this compound to provide a range of benefits, which include reducing inflammation and promoting relaxation. After this facial, your skin will be left looking healthy, radiant, and refreshed.

How the process works

A CBD facial is very similar to other facials, with the addition of cannabidiol (CBD) oil or products infused with CBD oil used as part of the facial treatment. Your facial will include:

  1. Cleansing: The aesthetician will remove dirt, oil, and makeup from your skin using a gentle cleanser that’s appropriate for your skin type.
  2. Exfoliation: Next, the aesthetician will use a physical exfoliant (such as a scrub) or a chemical exfoliant (such as an enzyme peel) to remove dead skin cells and reveal brighter, smoother skin.
  3. Extraction: In this step, blackheads, whiteheads and other debris are gently removed from your pores.
  4. CBD-infused mask: The aesthetician will then apply a CBD-infused mask to your skin. The mask will be left on for a period of time to allow the CBD to penetrate your skin.
  5. Massage: You will receive a facial massage to help improve circulation and lymphatic drainage, and to promote relaxation.
  6. Serum: After removing the mask, the aesthetician will apply a CBD-infused serum to your skin. This serum provides extra hydration and nourishment.
  7. Moisturizer: In this last step, the aesthetician will apply a moisturizer. This hydrates your skin and locks in the benefits of CBD.

CBD facials FAQ

Will a CBD facial get me high?

No. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound. That means it does not have the same intoxicating effects as THC, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana.

Are CBD facials safe?

Yes, CBD facials are generally considered safe for most people. One of our licensed aestheticians will determine if a CBD facial is appropriate for your skin type and concerns.

Are there any side effects?

Some people experienced slight redness or irritation after a facial, but these effects usually fade within hours. Your aesthetician can provide more details.

How often should I get a CBD facial?

In general, getting a facial every four to six weeks can help your skin look healthy and glowing. One of our aestheticians can discuss a schedule that works for you.

Can I get a CBD facial if I’m pregnant?

We advise consulting a doctor before getting a CBD facial or using any CBD products.

The benefits of CBD facials

Is one of our CBD facials right for you? It can provide many benefits, such as:

  • Reducing inflammation: CBD has been shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to calm redness and irritation in the skin.
  • Soothing and hydrating skin: CBD has moisturizing and soothing properties, which can help to hydrate the skin and improve its overall texture and appearance.
  • Fighting oxidative stress: CBD is a potent antioxidant – it can help to neutralize free radicals and protect the skin from environmental damage such as pollution and UV radiation.
  • Promoting a more radiant complexion: CBD is believed to help balance the skin’s natural oil production. This can help reduce the appearance of pores and give the skin a more even, glowing complexion.
  • Calming the mind and body: CBD is also known for its relaxing and calming effects, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety and promote an overall feeling of well-being.

Schedule your CBD facial today

We use only the highest quality CBD products and are dedicated to providing a safe, comfortable environment for our clients. One of our aestheticians is ready to meet with you to assess your needs and discuss whether a CBD facial is right for you. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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